We never compromize
with quality work...

Ortiz is one of the most popular real estate company all around USA. You can find your dream property or build property

Royel touch paint

Paint is the mirron of beauty dream house build property with us

Fully Furnished

Well decorated and fully furnished properties is available for all

Latest Interior design

All interior are latest and luxurious mirron of beauty dream house

Non stop security

Security in our property area is the main priority for our all cusotmer

35% Discount

Price $1,53,000

Price $89,000

Lora Momen Smith

CEO, Momens Group

Ortiz is one of the most popular real estate company all around USA. You can find your dream property or the build erty with us. We always provide importance

Zakuline Fernandez

CEO, Momens Group

Ortiz is one of the most popular real estate company all around USA. You can find your dream property or the build erty with us. We always provide importance

Lora Momen Smith

CEO, Momens Group

Ortiz is one of the most popular real estate company all around USA. You can find your dream property or the build erty with us. We always provide importance